Legal consulting
Our lawyers will advise you on any legal issue both personally and remotely in Georgian, Russian, English and French.

Legal audit
We conduct a due diligence of your activities and draw an appropriate conclusion. Each existing document will be verified by our lawyers, risks will be assessed and recommendations will be given on the preparation of the necessary documentation.

Drafting legal documents
We will assist you in drafting treaties, agreements, acts, regulations, articles of association, protocols, appeals, statements, letters and any other documents in any language of the world.
We also support and implement procedures for signing, verifying, submitting, registering and/or forwarding legal documents.

Litigation ● Arbitration support
• Our lawyers provide litigation/arbitration support service and representing you from the stage of retrieval of a claim to the delivery of a legally binding judgement, inter alia: drawing up a claim, objection and/or counterclaim, drawing up a motion, observing deadlines, liaising with the court, representing a client during the court proceedings, conciliation, serving a judgement, drafting appeals and cassation appeals, drafting a private complaint, request for the writ of execution and performance of other procedural actions.
• Proceedings on disputes are conducted both in the city, appeals and supreme courts and in arbitration.

We will assist you in arranging meetings, conducting negotiations and drafting the necessary documents. Our corporate lawyers represent you before your partners, customers, third parties and governmental authorities.

Other legal services
ადმინისტრაციული, სამოქალაქო, საინვესტიციო, სახელშეკრულებო, კორპორატიული, სამედიცინო, საბანკო და საგადასახადო, ინტელექტუალური საკუთრების, სამომხმარებლო, საიმიგრაციო, შრომითი, უძრავი ქონების და სამშენებლო სამართალი